
Why Does My Puppy Pee Inside After Going Outside?

This has to be one of the most frustrating parts of training new pups.

Almost immediately after going potty outside, they come inside and pee, again!

Why do they do this?

Well, we don’t know exactly, but we have seen this behavior many times and we have some expert tips on stopping this frustrating behavior.

Before we can solve this specific issue, there must be a solid puppy foundation established. Your new pup must have:

  • Established boundaries
  • Purpose-driven exercise
  • Full-time supervision
  • Sleep in their crate from 11pm- 7am with no accidents

During the day, your pup’s time is filled with short doses of purposeful activity which includes going outside for potty breaks and water. When your pup is inside, they are on-leash and are supervised 100% of the time. As your puppy grows and learns, you won’t have to watch them constantly, but until they have learned the basics, you must keep a close eye on them.

If your puppy has an accident inside while you are watching, that is a human supervision error.

Once you and your puppy have built a strong foundation, follow these tips for preventing your dog from peeing in the house.


Learn your dog’s behaviors

Going to the bathroom never just happens out of nowhere. Every dog does something before they go potty, you have to watch and find the pattern for your dog. Some dogs smell furiously, some pups get very still, others stare at you or the door and we have even seen some dogs dart to the corner of the room.

Eventually, you will learn your dog’s signals—this is why they need constant supervision in the beginning.

You need to see the potty signs before they happen so that you can successfully get the pup outside to relieve themselves.

In/Out/In Method

If you are still having accidents, then give Aly’s In/Out/In Method a try.

This is our go-to method for puppies and owners who have established the proper boundaries and their pup still goes potty.

Even though your dog is outside, he may, or may not, actually go potty. He may mark a bit or not even go at all, and the minute he comes in, he tinkles.  Even though your pup was just outside, it’s very probable he hasn’t gone ‘real’ potty.

It is very likely that your pup was playing or was distracted or was simply waiting. Then as soon as he comes inside and sees the family, gets excited and smells new smells — whammo — he pees.

This is how the IN/OUT/IN method works: 

  • I let the dogs in, they are happy, excited
  • I pause for a minute, push their butts into a sit, give a scratch under the chin
  • We go immediately back out to Potty spot, and I wait, patiently & quietly
  • After they go (and they usually do) then we really get to come in

This method works for several reasons. 

It lowers the excitement the pup is experiencing upon entering the house and it creates better focus on your part and your pup’s part too BEFORE you come in.  Lowering the excitement is one of the best things you can do when you are having any issue with your pooch,  especially potty accidents.  Finally, human supervision is always part of the equation.  These are BABIES…and they require the same amount of supervision that a toddler does!



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