Our give back program to help improve the lives of the many we help.

Our GOal

1) Aly’s Angels is able to donate a portion of a trained dog for sale annually to those in special need. Aly’s Angels gather together to provide this vital support in helping to place the right dog, to the right person, in the right season in life.
2) We have selected LIVING WATERS INTERNATIONAL as our charity because all living beings NEED clean water to survive. It’s a foundational need to all living creatures. Our CORE values is all about building strong foundations.
Our Dollar for Dollar Match

If you would like to participate, please write a separate check made out with the name LIVING WATERS INTERNATIONAL in the memo line and mail to us at 776 Calle Bendita, Arroyo Grande, CA. 93420 or VENMO @alyson-freitas-rodges. We will send along an additional check that matches your donation, up to $500.00 per client. If you would like to partner with Aly’s Angels to provide a trained dog to someone in need, please email us at [email protected]

donated to charity

About Living Water International
Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water”—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.
Everything begins with water. It’s the foundation for all other levels of development.
That means—for the millions of thirsty people throughout the developing world—safe water can ultimately transform:
Sanitation and Hygiene
Justince Issues
Local Churches