Aly’s Insider Club – May Review

Aly’s Insider Club is a private facebook group filled with live training, support from Aly’s team, targeted training videos, live demos and a group of people who love dogs and encourage each other.

You can sign up here, it is only $15.99 a month.

If you are not a member, here are the top things you missed so far in April.

May has been an active month within our Private Facebook Group, if you want to read Aly’s full response to any of these questions, sign up!

May’s Most Engaged Posts

  • Distractions! Aly and Luke taught a lot on how to walk your dog in highly distracting environments! Aly even posted a video of her walking a pup named Coco and gave great insider details on voice, pace of walking and shoulder positioning!
  • There was also a great discussion on how to maintain the coat of doodles! Where and how to brush to keep the mats away.
  • Aly also posted about the Best Pet Insurance — should you get it and what kind is the best.
  • In one of the Live Training Tuesdays, Luke shared a TON of great tips on how to help your dog during firework shows! With graduations and July 4 coming up, it can be a big issue for our pups.
  • Walking and tricks for keeping walks interesting and fun was another popular topic this month.

Again if you want to get the answers to these questions or learn the best tips from Aly and Luke, join our Facebook Group, it is just $15.99 a month and you will get access to ALL of the tips.

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