Aly’s Insider Club – April Review

Aly’s Insider Club is a private facebook group filled with live training, support from Aly’s team, targeted training videos, live demos and a group of people who love dogs and encourage each other.

You can sign up here, it is only $15.99 a month.

If you are not a member, here are the top things you missed so far in April.

April has been an active month within our Private Facebook Group, if you want to read Aly’s full response to any of these questions, sign up!

April’s Most Engaged Posts

  • Aly recently uploaded a video on exactly what to do if you call your dog and they do NOT come back. In the video you can see Aly’s body language, hear her tone and learn exactly how to get your dog to come to you — even if they are distracted.
  • Someone asked how to use Aly’s leash on a tiny puppy. Her dog is just 5 lbs and she doesn’t want to hurt the pup, but they pull on walks.
  • One of the most popular videos in April, was on teaching  STAY.  This video was remarkable because there were many dogs lined up on the side of the road, next to each other and they were all calm and happy to stay in place.
  • Meet and Greets. There were several questions about meet and greets this month, sign up to read the questions and answers and to see Luke’s live training video on how to introduce your dog to another.
  • There was also a great conversation about pet insurance, shy dogs and a shared resource for pet sitting.
  • The two training videos that were added to the targeted training vault were about PURPOSEFUL PlAY with a great game of tug!  And another video about how to socialize dogs with other dogs off leash in a safe, sane and civilized way.


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