Boost Your Dogs Confidence with the 3D’s
We grow in life by trying things, setting our sights on a new activity , stretching for new goals, sometimes not making it, then figuring out what happened when we didn’t achieve that goal, and then we try again. Once we accomplish the goal, we savor the success! One...
Why Does My Puppy Pee Inside After Going Outside?
This has to be one of the most frustrating parts of training new pups. Almost immediately after going potty outside, they come inside and pee, again! Why do they do this? Well, we don’t know exactly, but we have seen this behavior many times and we have some...
Our Best Advice on How to Stop Dogs from Chewing {Guest Post by Yasko Endo}
Our guest writer is Yasko Endo, an alumni of APBC. Yasko got her puppy Bodhi from us several years ago, since then they never stopped learning. Yasko and Bodhi have earned advanced handling certificates, AKC Canine Good Citizens test, Urban Dog Handler, agility...