How to Tell if your Dog Likes Kids (not all do!)
The story of George…my Doodle Ambassador drop-out. I knew George’s lines well. I temperament tested the litter and in hindsight, he was a bit more reserved on a couple of the tests but well within the parameters of what I’m looking for. I thought George was...
Pillar 5 The Human Component of Training Dogs
YOU EFFECT YOUR DOG This Pillar of Dog Training is All About You, the Human Component! If you need a refresher on our Pillars of Pack Leadership, read PIllar 1, Pillar 2, Pillar 3 and Pillar 4. The minute you welcome a dog into your life, a conduit of information...
Pillar 4 Mastering Purpose Driven Activities for Training Dogs – Respect of Space
Dogs don’t speak English, Spanish or French. Dogs speak spatially. They interact with each other by moving into or away from another dog’s space (pressure on/pressure off). How they enter that space is their correct or incorrect understanding of social dynamics,...