How to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called

You can teach your pup to COME WHEN CALLED by playing a fun game with your dog. There are many variations of the game, but I love having the game played with two people and a dog that wins no matter who he goes to!

What You Need

  • A long line of at least 15ft
  • Two people
  • High value treats like string cheese or meat

Setting Up the Game

Both people have the high value treats. Person A grabs the end of the line. Person B strolls along with Person A, with the dog trekking along with both of you.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Positioning

Person A (who has the end of the line in this round) silently peels away a little bit, while Person B encourages the dog to keep up with them but doesn’t walk so far that the dog will meet the end of the 15 ft. line.

Step 2: Calling the Dog

Person A is going to call “FIDO COME” before the dog will meet the end of the long line. The millisecond the command is given, it is important that Person B stops walking and disengages with the dog when the command is being issued by Person A.

Step 3: Encouragement

Person A will continue to call “FIDO COME” in an upbeat and encouraging voice. Also, Person A can wheel the line in like a fish on the end of the line.

Step 4: Rewarding the Dog

As soon as the dog comes to you, mold/lure/shape the sit and GIVE THE TREAT!

Switching Roles

Now, Person B takes the end of the line and you repeat the sequence. Just remember that once the dog comes to the person calling, be certain to be the best party ever! A great party has a warm welcome, great food, and it’s always so much fun, you can’t wait to get to that party again and again!

Gentle Guidance

Also know that the line is on so that if the dog gets confused, you can most certainly help them with some gentle line guidance. Have fun as you teach your dog to come when called! Make sure to check out our Commands Checklist that you need to know! Also, we’d love to offer more help in any way we can, make sure to check out our Online Training Programs!!!

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