
Mastering Commands: Essential Training Tips for Your New Trained Dog

As a dog owner, understanding how to teach your dog basic commands is vital. Not only does this strengthen your relationship, but it also enhances their safety and social skills. This article highlights the essential commands every owner of trained dogs for sale should master, explores why these commands are important, and provides tips on how to effectively teach them.

Why Teaching Your Dog Commands is Crucial

Commands are foundational for teaching your dog from our trained dogs for sale category to exhibit good behavior and establishing a clear line of communication between you and your pet. At Aly’s Puppy Boot Camp, we emphasize a set of daily commands to help your dog live a safe, sane, and civilized life. Here are some essential commands we focus on:

  • Sit
  • Go Potty
  • Wait
  • Down
  • Let’s Go
  • Place
  • Come
  • Off
  • Leave It
  • Paws Up

Building Trust and Communication

Effective command training builds trust and enhances communication. When your dog from our trained dogs for sale selection understands and follows your commands, it boosts both of your confidence levels. This trust is crucial, especially in potentially dangerous situations where your dog must listen to your commands promptly.

Through consistent training, you’ll also improve at reading your dog’s body language, which helps in communicating more effectively. For instance, recognizing signs of anxiety or fear can help you to provide the necessary comfort and reassurance when needed.

Ensuring Your Dog’s Safety

For our customers who have purchased trained dogs for sale, teaching commands like “come” and “place” is crucial for safety. If your dog unexpectedly runs out, a reliable “come” command ensures they return to you safely, avoiding potential dangers like traffic. “Leave it” stops them from picking up dangerous items, and “stay” can prevent them from entering hazardous areas.

Enhancing Socialization Skills

A well-command-trained dog from our trained dogs for sale is typically more confident in social settings. Commands such as “heel” and “down” ensure they behave appropriately in public places, making outings more enjoyable and less stressful for both of you. We offer a wide range of online training courses designed to help you teach your dog these essential commands! CLICK HERE to see our online Training Courses!


Teaching your dog to sit is usually one of the first commands a pet owner will teach their dog. This skill is not only cute but also a great way to get your dog’s attention and calm them down. Additionally, it’s an excellent way to keep your dog from jumping on people or running out the door. To teach this command, introduce body pressure: Body pressure refers to using physical presence or slight pressure to guide your dog into the desired position. When your dog is familiar with the “sit” command, stand in front of them with your body facing theirs. Once your dog finally sits down, release pressure and reward with treats or verbal praise. This helps your dog understand that sitting in response to body pressure is the desired behavior. Now it’s time to practice and reinforce!

Some Important things to remember:

Timing is always very critical in training any animal a command. Whether it be timing of a correction, timing of a treat, or timing of a release of indirect or direct pressure. Release is how the dog knows that he made the right choice and did the right thing. Through the years there have been several studies trying to determine the exact amount of time between the desired action and the timing of the reinforcement to get the desired result of understanding with your dog. The general consensus is—be quick with your praise and treats!

One of the ways we communicate with our dogs is how we respond to them. The timing of those responses can be critical to making sure we are sending the message we intend. Since our dogs don’t understand language like we do, we don’t have the option of simply explaining what we want from them. It becomes more like a game of charades, where we have to catch them doing something right (or something wrong) and help them understand that the behavior they are doing is something we want (or don’t want). It’s a tricky thing and made even more complicated if our timing isn’t good. Being consistent and timely in our rewards/corrections will help reinforce the behavior we are looking for.

Stay (or Place)

The “stay” command is used to keep your dog in one place, and it comes in handy when you want to take their leash on or off or when you need them to stay put for any reason. By teaching your dog to stay on PLACE until invited off, it can significantly improve your relationship and overall behavior. In our library vault, found in Aly’s Insider Club, you can find the comprehensive ALL ABOUT PLACE training video to guide you. Once your dog grasps the concept of staying on PLACE, it will transform both your lives and help them navigate various situations calmly and responsibly. Moreover, utilizing PLACE can effectively address nuisance behaviors such as reactivity at the front door, jumping on guests, chasing cars, reacting to animals, and rushing out of doors. It promotes a safe, sane, and civilized approach to handling these situations.

The objective is for your dog to remain on “Place” until given permission to leave. This means that if he/she gets off without being invited, you must immediately put them back on. Whenever possible, try to guide back onto “Place” using only your legs, without using your hands. To achieve this, I recommend using as few words as possible while the puppy is on “Place.” This helps both the dog and humans to communicate and be aware of the situation.

If you notice your dog about to step off “Place,” take a deep breath and move closer while making a warning sound. If they stay on “Place” and look at you, relax and take a small step back. Gradually, they will become more comfortable, continue taking small steps back. Remember to keep breathing throughout the process.

Over time, you can gradually increase the distance, duration, and distractions while your dog remains on “Place.” Introduce stimuli that may trigger your dog, such as doorbells, open doors, or toys.

The way you end the “Place” command is as important as the calmness you have achieved during the exercise. Once the situation is calm, quiet, and relaxed, that’s when you invite to come to you. Approach quietly, take his leash, and gently ask to come to you while maintaining the same calm state of mind. Experiment with different body language cues that are inviting to your dog. You might try squatting down and opening your arms, snapping your fingers and smiling, or tapping your leg with an encouraging tone when calling their name. By avoiding verbal commands, you can improve your body language, touch, tone, and timing. Eventually, you will discover what works best to get your dog to come to you without using words, except for some encouraging phrases like “Good Boy” or “YES” when he’s heading in the right direction. Once they arrive, give calm praise and pet. If necessary, gently guide your dog to you using the leash for additional guidance. Always conclude with calm praise and petting when he/she reaches you. Ultimately, not coming when invited should not be an option for your dog.


The “come” command is essential in keeping your dog safe in situations where they could be harmed or lost. This command is especially useful when you’re out in public with your dog or when they’re off-leash in an open area. To teach this command, put your dog on a long leash and give the command “come” while walking backward. Reward your dog with treats and verbal praise once they come to you. Repeat this process until your dog can come on command without the leash.

Ensuring your dog responds when called can be a challenge without a leash. When you utter the words, “COME,” you can’t be certain about their actions. Here are some essential guidelines to improve your dogs response:

  1. Keep a leash on your dog whenever he/she is out of their crate. While under supervision, he can have the leash trailing behind him.
  2. Before calling your pup, make necessary preparations. Have a delicious treat ready (personally, I recommend string cheese). Position yourself near the end of the leash, allowing you to reel him in like a fish when you call.
  3. Prepare your body language to be inviting. Squat down, open your arms wide, and use a clear, confident, and encouraging tone to call him. Avoid using a high-pitched baby voice, but maintain a cheerful tone.
  4. Since you have control of the leash, ensure that he comes to you. Once he reaches you, guide him into a sitting position and shower him with praise. Be the source of all things enjoyable for your pup, including pets, treats, and love. Reinforce the idea that great things happen when he responds to your call. Repeat this process and make it a game, inspired by Wendy Volhard’s “Come When Called” method. We often introduce variations of this game, gradually progressing to off-leash training once our dogs demonstrate reliability. Utilize long lines of different lengths, such as 15, 20, and 30 feet, to gradually increase the distance between you and your pup during recall exercises.

We go over the “Come When Called” game extensively in Aly’s Insider Club! If you want access to Aly and the team…this is the place to be!  This format allows the team to support you best


Teaching your dog commands goes beyond basic obedience—it enriches your lives together, strengthens your bond, and ensures your dog’s safety and good behavior. Start integrating these training tips with your new trained dog from our selection and watch as they thrive under your guidance.

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