The Academy Workshop – Coming in April

Aly’s Puppy Boot Camp has an exciting announcement. 

The Academy Workshop is back!  If you have a new puppy and are feeling the puppy blues – then the Academy Workshop if for you. We will teach you how to handle all of those puppy behaviors like,  potty training, puppy biting and jumping.

 In just two weeks you can start transforming your relationship with your puppy.

The Academy Workshop includes:

  • The Pillars of Pack Leadership Academy – Aly’s online course with 35+ videos covering her entire training philosophy (a $495 value). 
  • Aly will personally guide you through the entire Academy inside a private Facebook group just for Workshop Members!
  • A FREE 30 day subscription to Aly’s Insider Club.  In this awesome Private Group, Aly posts two new training videos are posted every month, the APBC team answers all your training questions AND you can access ALL the past training videos.  There are over 75 of them!
  • AND the first 5 people to join will get a FREE one-on-one consultation with Aly!

The Academy Starts Aprils 4tt. CLICK HERE for more information!



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