

Brandi‘s Information
Dog Breed: Australian Labradoodle
Age: 12 weeks
Weight: 10 lbs.
Likes: People, water, toys, other dogs, Everything!

Doodle Ambassador BRANDI Labradoodle: Born 7/31/18. Standard sized, Australian Labradoodle, apricot colored, low to non-shedding coat. This pup has quite the legacy with me…I’ve trained grandma/grandpa and great grandpa and many of the aunts and uncles of this lineage, on both the dam and stud sides. I’m so excited about this litter I bought 3 pups from the breeder! This pup has THERAPY DOG, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and SERVICE DOG in the cards for this girl. This young girl is a great contender!!! Their momma Joplin is an ESA dog for a vet with PTSD and Joplin’s daddy is Ranger, another dog I trained and he, and many of his offspring, are certified Therapy Dogs that I’ve trained. And Daddy, Orvis, has been trained by me and is a Therapy Dog in Training for a girl with a rare disease. All these lines on both sides are truly incredible and I’m so thrilled my dear friend, and amazing breeder, Loveable Labradoodles, gave me the honor of getting 3 pups. Many dogs in these lines LOVE other dogs, people, toys., and this pup will be the same too!! And she has a happy soul and thoughtful soul. I have no doubt this pup will be CALM, bright as a button–just like the relatives I’ve trained in the past! I’m so excited to have this little one join our program. I love it when the generations gather at Aly’s Acres!! My Doodle Ambassadors are special…I receive a pup–the top picks of the litter that I personally temperament test! The unique thing is: This is a pup that I would want to be my own! I’ve selected the parents, I’ve been seeing the pups and temperament tested them, and they will be raised and trained by me for approximately 6 months before they go to their PERFECTMATCH™ homes and it can be arranged for an APBC member to bring your pup directly to you! These pups are truly the BEST of the BEST. Best breeding + Best foundation training + the PERFECTMATCH™ chosen humans=BEST DOG EVER! You can search for this pup by typing #apbcbrandi in the searchbar. (microchip 602-096-795)

Meet Momma Joplin and Poppa Orvis

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