Dogs for Sale Sadie

Sadie is a 3-year-old Mini Australian that is a TRAINED DOG FOR SALE. She is off leash trained , basic obedience is solid, and she is an absolute LOVE. She is happy to walk for miles or snuggle in your lap. To find out more about her go to

Dogs for Sale Katie

Katie is a 3-Year-Old registered Australian Labradoodle that is off leash trained, all basic obedience and a devoted companion who wants those loving chocolate-gold eyes staring into your soul. Find out more about Katie at

Aly’s Puppy Boot Camp Slip Leads Are Ready at Aly’s Shop!

Our slip-leads have it all, great lock, strong safety clip, soft and supple material in your hands and comfortable on your dog. Our leashes also have a unique feature that allows them to be used as a transitional leash as well. Find out more at Aly’s Store at...

Off leash fun

Love this long video of dogs being dogs and the little Frenchie learning from the older dogs. If you want to learn more about how to get dogs to come when called contact us

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