Life on Aly’s Acres
Top tips to get your dog to stop jumping, nipping and mouthing
Through my decades of working with dogs and helping humans, I’ve heard it all when it comes to dogs mouths on humans and paws on humans: My pup was just over excited when... My dog was just playing when…. My pup didn’t mean anything by it when…. It was an accident...
My Pooch is BARKING & WHINING in the CRATE
Your dog has decided that being in a crate and away from you IS NOT where he wants to be. He is crying and whining and waking the entire family, right? My sweet friend, rest assured, this is a moment in transition and testing that YOU are empowered to change. What...
What does OUT OF CRATE TIME activities look like for a PUPPY?
Puppies are a special breed of dog. They need 16-17 hours of sleep a day. That is why structure and schedules are so very important. Here at APBC we live by our Schedule for Success and Rules to Live By. We even call it the secret sauce to training a dog! The...
There’s More to Motivation than Treats or Praise…..
What delights YOU and really gets your juices flowing? Money? Chocolate? Coffee? Video games? Books? A Binge of your favorite show? A yummy glass of bubbly? What is it that gets you willing to work hard? THAT IS YOUR MOTIVATOR. You know that feeling you get when...
COVID Puppies and Their Humans
Summer is almost here, coming in hot on the heels of a world-wide Pandemic. Now, more than ever, STRUCTURE and ROUTINE are essential for you and your pup’s mental and physical well-being. The COVID crazy times can actually lead to crazy pups too! It’s very easy to...
The fabulous foundation that you and your pup have begun requires continued consistency to make it stick. The consistent dog training effort you put in now with your pup will pay off in MEGA DIVIDENDS as your pup grows into the dog you desire him to be. Conversely,...
How to teach your dog about Feed Time
Feed time is a ritual that allows you to have another opportunity to have your pup “earn their keep” so to speak. Rituals are defined as “solemn ceremonies or actions performed in a customary way.” The reason potty, sleep and feed rituals are so important to your...
Should You Let Your Dog Sleep in Your Bedroom? (answer: in the future)
Pillars of Pack Leadership ™—Bedtime Rituals One of the most popular questions I get is: Should I let my dog sleep in the bedroom? Answer: Yes, but not just yet. That kind of privilege needs to come when he has the maturity to handle it. If you allow your pup in your...
Potty Time
Potty Time…needs to be a regular part of your program. Select your “potty area” and go back there for each and every “Go Potty” moment. It is not play time. It’s not talk time. It’s not pet your dog time. It’s get to business, quietly and efficiently time. Keep your...