How to Best Prepare Your Dog for Your New Baby
You just got the news, a baby is on the way! Supreme joy, shock, surprise, and even a bit of fear (probably a mix of all the above)! Now is the time to think about how you are going to prepare for the baby, right? Equally important, you also need to prepare your dog...
How to Tell if your Dog Likes Kids (not all do!)
The story of George…my Doodle Ambassador drop-out. I knew George’s lines well. I temperament tested the litter and in hindsight, he was a bit more reserved on a couple of the tests but well within the parameters of what I’m looking for. I thought George was...
Pillar 5 The Human Component of Training Dogs
YOU EFFECT YOUR DOG This Pillar of Dog Training is All About You, the Human Component! If you need a refresher on our Pillars of Pack Leadership, read PIllar 1, Pillar 2, Pillar 3 and Pillar 4. The minute you welcome a dog into your life, a conduit of information...
Pillar 4 Mastering Purpose Driven Activities for Training Dogs – Respect of Space
Dogs don’t speak English, Spanish or French. Dogs speak spatially. They interact with each other by moving into or away from another dog’s space (pressure on/pressure off). How they enter that space is their correct or incorrect understanding of social dynamics,...