Aly’s Puppy Boot Camp is always looking to connect with and support responsible and reputable breeders. 

We desire to come alongside you as a breeder to help transition your puppies into their new homes. We also know as a breeder that your expertise lies in…well…breeding. Our expertise lies in training those puppies up so they can go live life with their new families in a safe, sane and civilized way.

We strive to give you a valuable resource to direct training questions to so we can take that off your busy plate!


Here are the ways Alys Puppy Bootcamp can support you as a dog breeder.

  • We create a custom sales page for you to share with your clients
  • You can direct all training question to the APBC team (through having them join Aly’s Insider Club)
  • You’ll have access to an Affiliate Portal to track sales
  • 25% Commission for every Pillars of Pack Leadership Academy you sell with your custom link
  • BULK discounts on the book The Pillars of Pack Leadership®, and also discounts on the Learning Leash with Learning Loop®.
  • If you choose, your logo can be listed as a Breeder Affiliate Member on the Aly’s Puppy Boot Camp website.

And of course, the peace of mind to know that your puppies will go home to families prepared to take on a puppy…and if a behavioral issue does come up…you have Alyson Rodges and her team on your side! 

Your clients will receive…

  • Discounted Access to the Paws-itive Start Puppy Club – Aly’s top three training videos.  The absolute fundamentals to bring home a new puppy.  Aly’s Schedule for Success, Potty Training and Leash Walking (Retail $39.99, for your clients $19.99)
  • Discounted Access to the Pillars of Pack Leadership Academy – 35+ videos, The premier dog training education, the next best thing to in-person training.  (Retail $495, for your clients $249)
  • Ongoing support through Aly’s Insider Club – Monthly membership, giving members access to a vault of targeted training videos, 2 new monthly training videos, and a private Facebook group where Aly and Luke come in and answer questions. (Monthly $15.99)

Access to the FREE Facebook group Aly’s Pillars of Pack Leadership – Free Dog Training Tips

For more info on our Breeder Affiliate Program, see this page.  

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