Life on Aly’s Acres

Teaching Your Pup They Are Not the Center of the Universe

Teaching Your Pup They Are Not the Center of the Universe

Your pup isn’t the center of the universe. It is a TON of pressure on a dog to be the end all, be all, of a human’s life. The intense scrutiny, intense interaction is way too much for a sensitive dog like yours. Dogs need to know that, “It’s not all about you.” Your...

Why Is My Dog Skittish?

Why Is My Dog Skittish?

If you own a doodle of any kind, it is highly likely that you will experience a moment or period when your dog startles, acts shy, is skittish, or makes a vocal noise.’s going to happen, at one time or another.  There are actual fear periods that a dog goes...

How to Teach “Place”

How to Teach “Place”

I teach “Place” daily in my training with EVERY puppy and dog. A pup or dog is expected to remain on “Place” until invited off. "Place" can be a that is comfortable for the dog with very clear edges like a dog bed with a big, rolled edge or folded blanket. I use...

How to Get Your Dog to Go to the Bathroom Outside

How to Get Your Dog to Go to the Bathroom Outside

You are now home with your puppy.  You are on the right track.  You are prepared and ready.  Your pup is amazing because you are implementing great structure, routine, boundaries, feeding rituals, bedtime rituals and potty rituals (all things we teach you in our...

How to Get Your Dog to Come When Called

How to Get Your Dog to Come When Called

I have put together the most effective ways to teach and reinforce your dog's ability to come when called. I have 5 amazing games that we regularly play that I want to tell you is one of them! The Restrain Game [video width="960" height="540"...

Puppy Nipping and Kids

Puppy Nipping and Kids

Here's the truth...just because a child wants to pet a dog does NOT mean the dog WANTS to be pet or SHOULD be interacted with at that moment. If a dog is nipping, your pup is telling you one or more of the following: "I'm too excited and your touch is sending me over...

Place: A defined space with a clear boundary

Place: A defined space with a clear boundary

PLACE, Place, place. What the heck is it and why should you use it with your pup? I use “Place” daily in my training with EVERY puppy and dog. I use it because it teaches a pup and a human how to be better connected and how to have a calm state of mind. A tall order...

Lunch with 9 dogs

Lunch with 9 dogs

Have you ever been in a coffee store, patiently waiting for your Crème Brulee with Coconut Milk, and there, off to the side is a bedraggled parent with a screaming kid, that is demanding some yummy delight, and all you can do is smile and hope that they give that kid...

Indoor activities with your pooch

Indoor activities with your pooch

Indoor Activities for Dogs Rainy days (or too hot or too cold days too) can be fun-filled days with your pup or dog! One of my favorite indoor games to play is what I call the FOOD FIND IT GAME. In this one game, you are going to be working all kinds of amazing...

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