Potty Time

Potty Time

Potty Time…needs to be a regular part of your program. Select your “potty area” and go back there for each and every “Go Potty” moment. It is not play time. It’s not talk time. It’s not pet your dog time. It’s get to business, quietly and efficiently time. Keep your...
Why Is My Dog Skittish?

Why Is My Dog Skittish?

If you own a doodle of any kind, it is highly likely that you will experience a moment or period when your dog startles, acts shy, is skittish, or makes a vocal noise.  Yep…it’s going to happen, at one time or another.  There are actual fear periods that a dog...
Place: A defined space with a clear boundary

Place: A defined space with a clear boundary

PLACE, Place, place. What the heck is it and why should you use it with your pup? I use “Place” daily in my training with EVERY puppy and dog. I use it because it teaches a pup and a human how to be better connected and how to have a calm state of mind. A tall order...

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